CPRN DCC Portal Registration

The Portal Registration form is intended for participating researchers who would like to gain access to CPRN DCC resources. If you believe that you have been assigned a Portal account but you do not know your password, please ‘Quit’ and use the ‘Forgot your password?’ option that is available on the Login page.

To request access to CPRN DCC Portal, please fill out the form below and we will send you a link you can use to set a password and finish your profile.

First Name:

Last Name:

(Work/Department address only)




Business Email:


Name of Site (or Practice):

Project Role Information



The Project Role will default to a generic "Researcher" role. Choose a role from those available that best matches your role within CPRN.

*  For security purposes, please enter the sum of these numbers: 6 + 1 =